Recognizing that Youth Ministry would not exist in our diocese without the many committed individuals that accompany the youth on their journey of faith, the Office of Youth, Young Adult, and Pastoral Juvenil Ministry strives to support the youth ministry leaders as they walk beside teens in a variety of contexts. We hope this page serves as a great resource for you. To stay updated on Youth Ministry news, resources, events, and formation opportunities in our diocese, sign up for our weekly e-newsletter, the Modern Papyrus, below!
Each of these forms can be customized for any Youth event offered in the Diocese of Knoxville and meets all the requirements provided for in the Diocesan Policy manual for Youth Ministry. For a typical Youth Ministry event a Coordinator of Youth Ministry should have forms B,C,D, and E on file for Each Youth Participant Adult Participants should have at the very least forms F and H on File.
Form A – General Overnight Registration and Parent Consent
This form is used by the local parish for any and all parish sponsored overnight trips. This form includes detailed information that may become necessary during an extended trip away from home. FORMULARIO DE CONSENTIMIENTO DE LOS PADRES/TUTORES Y EXENCION DE RESPONSABILIDAD
Form B – General Code of Behavior Form
This form is a basic form outlining what is expected from all participants in the parish youth ministry program. Like the Youth Medical Form and Liability Waiver this form should be completed at the initial meeting in which a young person attends the parish program.
Form C – Youth Code of Conduct Form
This form is necessary for participation in all diocesan events. The purpose is to give a clear understanding to all involved as to what is expected during participation. These expectations include appropriate dress, attitude and language. CÓDIGO DE COMPORTAMIENTO
Form D – Generic Permission Release Form
This form is necessary for all youth who participate in any parish or Diocesan Youth Ministry program. This form should be filled out the first time a young person participates in a parish program. This form should be kept on file with the parish Coordinator of Youth Ministry (CYM) and should be updated any time information is changed. This form should be reviewed by the parent or Gaurdian and the CYM prior to participation in each additional event.
Form E- Audio Video Photo Release
This form grants the parish and diocese the right to photograph or video the participant and use those images as part of the promotion for diocesan or parish events. No commercial for profit use can be made of these images.
Form F – General Registration Form for Adults
This is a very basic general form used by parish youth ministry programs for the registration of all adults who participate with their outreach to young people. This has some very basic information regarding personal data and health and medical issues should something occur while at the parish.
Form G – Adult Event Registration Form
This is a more in-depth Diocesan form for all adults who participate in deanery or diocesan events. This form must be kept on file with the Parish Coordinator of Youth Ministry or the Event Coordinator. FORMULARIO DE PERMISO-AUTORIZACION MEDICA
Form H – Adult Code of Conduct
This is a general form used by parish youth ministry programs for the purpose of informing all adults who participate with their outreach to young people about their role and responsibility. This is the diocesan form for all adults who participate in deanery or diocesan events. This form must be kept on file with the Parish Coordinator of Youth Ministry or the Event Coordinator. DIRECTRICES PARA ACOMPAÑANTES ADULTOS
Form I- Criminal Background Check Authorization Form
This is a general form used by all diocesan and parish programs for the purpose of doing a criminal background check for all adults who participate with their outreach to young people whether paid or volunteer. This is a Diocesan requirement for all adults who participate in and Parish, Deanery or Diocesan Events. This form must be kept on file with the Parish Administrator designated responsible by the pastor.
Form J- Spanish Permission Forms
These are the general forms used for all youth ministry events that have been translated into Spanish. This form must be kept on file with the Parish Coordinator of Youth Ministry or the Event Coordinator.
Form K- Driver Information Sheet
This is the general form which should be on file before any driver for your youth ministry program transports young people for a parish or diocesan event. It is best if you can have these forms and all drivers checked 15 days prior to the event by our insurance provider Kris Westlake at Catholic Mutual insurance so that you can be sure the drivers have a clean driving history.
Form L- Report of Accident or Illness
This is the general form which should be on file and completed as soon after an incident or illness occurs on or during a parish or diocesan event. It is best if you can have these forms with you at all times in a file or on any trip that is organized.
Policy on Alcohol - Diocese of Knoxville Policy on Alcohol at Diocesan and Parish Facilities
The following forms have been prepared to help all coordinators who are planning ongoing or single event programs. Each of these forms can be customized for any Youth event offered in the Diocese of Knoxville.
Youth Ministry Manual (Catholic Mutual, 2024)
DoK Digital Best Practices_REV 8-6-20
Planning gathered programs
This outline is designed to give structure and form for all programs that will gather young people together.
Planning non-gathered programs
This outline is designed to give structure and form for all programs that will engage young people and families to explore ministry in the home, school and community.
Youth Program Evaluation - Designed to help in the evaluation of past programs to help in the development and revision of all new events and programs with young people.
Offers free, professional development webinars for parish ministers! Enjoy access to free presentations by experts in every area of parish ministry.
Effective and comprehensive youth ministry training, powerful spiritual renewal, and family-like solidarity & support from hundreds of youth workers across the globe.
Pope Francis’ Apostolic Exhortation to Young People (and to the entire people of God)
The National Conference on Catholic Youth Ministry gathers and forms adults to inspire, strengthen, and nourish those who accompany young people.
Webinars hosted by NFCYM are free to ministry leaders and volunteers as part of their mission to support and strengthen those who accompany young people as they encounter and follow Jesus Christ.
Catholic youth ministry resources, training, and support to help you THRIVE in your ministry!
Compelled by the urgent desire to listen and attend to the lives of young people (ages 13-25), Springtide Research Institute is committed to understanding the distinct ways new generations experience and express community, identity, and meaning.
The New Normal - 8 Ways to Care for GenZ in a Post-Pandemic World
Social Distancing Heightens Feelings of Isolation and Lonliness in Young People
An organization that provides consulting and coaching in youth ministry for parishes and organizations.
Equip yourself to be a better minister. Experience community with other catechists and evangelizers. Receive renewal and revitalization in both your personal and spiritual life in ministry.
Authentic Catholic Faith Formation videos and programs, Bible studies, and Confirmation / Sacrament preparation.
Alpha is a series of interactive sessions that freely explore the basics of the Christian faith.
The Center for Ministry Development promotes the development of ministry and catechesis with youth and families through leadership formation, service learning, and resources rooted in Catholic tradition and Scripture.
Challenge (for girls) and Conquest (for boys) strive to offer methods & materials in Catholic Youth Ministry for families, parishes & schools, helping youth to know and love Christ.
Fidelis (for girls) and Fraternus (for boys): A faith based mentoring program for young men and women ages 11-18 with a focus on living a virtuous life in the ordinary life.
Life Teen is a Catholic youth ministry organization and movement originating in the United States. Life Teen believes that "Eucharist-based ministry has the power to transform teens, transform parishes, and transform culture." High School, Middle School, and Confirmation subscriptions.
NET Ministries challenges young Catholics to love Christ and embrace the life of the Church.
Inspired by the teaching of St. John Baptist de LaSalle, our mission is to touch the hearts of young people of all ages with the good news of Jesus Christ.
This is a four-year program based on small group discipleship and discussion. Ignite guides youth from an encounter with Christ to a place where they spread his light everywhere they go.
Train adults, launch small groups, make young disciples.
As an interdenominational ministry, Young Life is committed to honoring the broad spectrum of Christian faith traditions in which our young people were raised– Catholic, Protestant, Evangelical, mainline, etc. Young Life invites kids to follow Christ, cares for them regardless of their response, and changes lives in the process.
This content is more traditional in nature and incorporates Sacred Art in the Catechesis with the youth.
This content is appropriate for 5th graders with little formation and can also be used for preparing kids with special needs.
A ten week confirmation program can easily be developed using the 10 main chapters & topics outlined in the Kids Catechism. Games and videos are provided to accompany each section.
This content is appropriate for 6th graders who have had substantial formation or for a mature group of teens.
Though this bilingual curriculum was developed for restored order (namely 2nd and 3rd graders), it can easily be adapted to use with older children.
This bilingual resource is developed specifically for children ages 8-11.
This resource was primarily intended for high school youth so it requires some age appropriate modification and adjustments but provides a good outline.
For the parishes that use the following programs for youth ministry, a separate confirmation program is not required as the curriculum meets the necessary criteria; however, it is recommended to have a few meetings apart from the large group with just the candidates in order to supplement with material specific to confirmation for the candidates.
The monastic milieu offers a place apart “to entertain silence in the heart and listen for the voice of God – to pray for your own discovery” (Thomas Merton). Gethsemani retreats are silent, unstructured, and undirected. However, private consultation with one of the monks can be arranged if desired. All are welcome to participate in the Eucharist and Liturgy of the Hours with the monks.
Blessed is She is a sisterhood of women who desire two things: prayer + community. He wants you to be filled up by His great love and mercy, and we want that for you, too.
In the midst of the life of service, connect back to the source. There are both men’s and women’s retreats offered every year.
The Men’s Retreat sponsored by Life Teen is a weekend of brotherhood, restoration, and inspiration. You can expect to hear engaging talks, to enjoy some outdoor fun in the beauty of the north Georgia mountains, and most importantly, to encounter God through the sacraments and times of prayer. Adult men (18+) of all ages and walks of life are invited to attend this retreat. Invite a friend or brother and take advantage of this opportunity to strengthen your relationship with God and grow in community with your brothers in Christ.
The Women’s Retreat sponsored by Life Teen is a weekend of renewal, inspiration, and sacramental grace for women of all ages. You can expect to hear engaging talks, grow in community with your sisters in Christ, and most importantly, to encounter God through the sacraments and times of prayer. Adult women (18+) of all ages and walks of life are invited to attend this retreat. Invite a friend and take advantage of this opportunity to strengthen your relationship with God and leave refreshed and renewed.
Atlanta / Nashville
RC retreats are a powerful way to move forward in your spiritual life. We offer retreats for men, women, married couples, young adults, and youth. Each of our retreats are designed to foster a more personal relationship with God. They emphasize a deepened knowledge of Christ in Scripture and provide practical tools to align our daily lives with God’s plan. Retreats vary in length from an evening or morning to a weekend.
• 33 Days to Merciful Love: A Do-It-Yourself Retreat in Preparation for Consecration to Divine Mercy by Fr. Michael E. Gaitley
• Consoling the Heart of Jesus: A Do-It-Yourself Retreat- Inspired by the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius by Fr. Michael E. Gaitley
• I Believe in Love: A Personal Retreat Based on the Teaching of St. Thérèse of Lisieux by Jean C. J. d’Elbée
• Lift Up Your Heart: A 10-Day Personal Retreat with St. Francis de Sales by Fr. John Burns
• Loving the Church: Spiritual Exercises Preached in the Presence of Pope John Paul II by Christoph von Cardinal Schonborn
• Mary at the Foot of the Cross, Teacher & Example of Holiness: A Retreat Given to John Paul II and the Papal Household by James A. Cardinal Hickey
• The Way of Trust and Love: A Retreat Guided By St. Therese of Lisieux by Fr. Jacques Philippe
• Wrap Yourself in Scripture by Karen L. and Lawrence A. Dwyer