The Diocese of Knoxville is one step closer in the cause for beatification and canonization of Servant of God Father Patrick Ryan. The Closing Session of the Tribunal of the Diocese of Knoxville for the inquiry examining the life, virtues, offering of life, reputation of holiness, and signs of intercessory power of the Servant of God Father Patrick Ryan took place on Sept. 28 at the Basilica of Sts. Peter and Paul in Chattanooga.
St. Mary School in Oak Ridge has recently been loaned a unique print to display from Picasso’s Imaginary Series, Shakespeare. The Warne family have loved being a part of the Oak Ridge community and St. Mary Parish and School since 1952.
The Latin Catholic patriarch of Jerusalem has called for a day of prayer and fasting on Tuesday, Oct. 17, for peace and reconciliation in the Holy Land.
Permanent deacons share in the mission of Christ and are ordained to be a witness to the Gospel through a life of service. The diocese provides a five-year program for the formation of permanent deacons. Please consider making a gift at Mass this weekend to support the Diocese of Knoxville’s deacon formation program. Your support will have a lasting impact!
The Religious Sisters of Mercy of Alma, Mich., have entered into a jubilee year of celebration. Sept. 1 marked the 50th anniversary of the religious order’s founding, which occurred in 1973.
Mary Ann Deschaine, the new superintendent of Catholic schools, made the journey to all 10 Diocese of Knoxville schools at the beginning of the school year to get better acquainted with diocesan students and their teachers.
Archbishop Shelton J. Fabre extended his hand and said only five words to start his homily in the dedication Mass for the new St. Alphonsus Church in Crossville on Sept. 12, and the assembly erupted in applause. “Well, what do you think?”