Catholic Charities of East Tennessee has temporarily relocated its administrative offices and at least one of its ministries following a Sunday fire that has now been ruled as arson.
Advent is a season of preparation and penance, the beginning of the Church's liturgical year, and the season leading up to the celebration of Christmas.
One man making a donation of household items has turned into a 20-year ministry with dozens of volunteers regularly delivering food to multiple ministries. The food delivery ministry at St. John Neumann Church in Farragut carries on the tradition of Ted Denning and brings food to the needy in East Tennessee.
When Jesus taught His followers about the Eucharist, explaining that they must “eat His body” and “drink His blood,” many responded, “This saying is hard; who can accept it?” Sadly, “As a result of this, many [of] His disciples returned to their former way of life and no longer accompanied Him” (John 6:60, 66).
Leaders of the Synod for a Synodal Church have announced members of the Diocesan Synod Team and group coordinators who will help fulfill the first phase of Pope Francis’ call to canvass the entire Catholic Church for the XVI Ordinary General Assembly of Bishops in Rome in 2023.