After closely monitoring recent developments related to the coronavirus (COVID-19), Bishop Richard F. Stika has issued a directive to all pastors, priests, and deacons that they institute the following precautions at Mass celebrations in the Diocese of Knoxville.
The directive includes suspending the distribution of the consecrated wine, knowing that one receives the fullness of Communion of Jesus Christ in the consecrated host. Bishop Stika has also suspended the offering of a physical sign of peace, inviting parishioners to instead bow one’s head as they offer peace to those around them.
These restrictions, similar to ones that were implemented by the diocese during the flu season, went into effect March 3 and will remain in effect until such time that Bishop Stika deems appropriate.
In addition, Bishop Stika is encouraging that one or more of the following intercessions be included at Masses:
On Feb. 28, the Diocese of Knoxville issed a communication to clergy, school leaders, and staff that included recommendations from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and the Catholic Mutual Group that outlined health precautions against coronavirus.