Jason Evert of the Chastity Project will be leading a family-based event at St. John Neuman Parish on Oct. 22. that invites parents, teens (13+), and all adults to learn about God's plan for love and consider the meaning of sex, gender, and the human body.
The evening will consists of two of Mr. Evert's presentations: "Purified" and "Gender & the Theology of the Body." The event will also offer free resources for families to take home to help them discover how their body reveals their identity and calling and to live a life of purity and to have these important discussions on these topics in the home.
There will also be a dinner break and time for adoration and confession.
Click here for tickets.
Event Schedule:
3:30-5 p.m. Purified
5- 6 p.m. Dinner break (Food Trucks will be available to purchase dinner)
6-7 p.m. Gender & the Theology of Your Body
7-7:30 p.m. Adoration & Confession